Data Breaches

What you need to know

With so many data breaches in the news, you want you to know that Tri-Lakes Federal Credit Union is ready to help if your personal or financial data is ever compromised.  We take service to our members seriously and will do everything we can to ensure that action is taken quickly to help you avoid becoming a victim of identity or account theft.

Your Credit Union is subject to strong data security standards established by Congress and federal regulators.  While data breaches can happen anywhere, we are ready with a plan designed to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your sensitive data.

Unfortunately, merchants and retailer aren’t subject to these federal requirements.  Many of them follow their own data security standards, but the recent rash of data braches shows that much more needs to be done.  When it comes to protecting your personal information, every measure counts.

When your debit or credit card data is breached at retailer, the cost of card replacement or account reimbursement to you is typically paid not by the merchant where the breach occurred, but by your Credit Union.

Inform Necessary Parties

We want you to know that in the event of any breach affecting your accounts, this Credit Union will always do what we can to make you whole.  In the meantime, Credit Unions around the country are leading the effort to get Congress to pass legislations ensuring merchants and retailers meet a national standard for protecting any of your financial data they collect when you make a purchase.  We hope you will support us in this effort.

While we can’t control what happens at merchants and retailers, we want you to know that Tri-Lakes Federal Credit Union will do everything we can to assist you and your family if a breach does occur when you use your debit or credit card.  You can always feel free to reach out to our Card Services Department at (518) 891-1666

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